
The importance of food safety training

The importance of food safety training

Date: Tuesday, 24 May 2016. -  
Blog, Courses, Training, Food

In any environment where food is handled, there is no excuse for unsafe practices. When working in a kitchen environment there is a responsibility to do things correctly, as food prepared in an unsafe way can lead to E-Coli, norovirus and salmonella. Staying up to date with the latest food and safety regulations is the best way to avoid risks. It can also have a whole host of other benefits, so it’s well worth ensuring your employees have full awareness of food hygiene standards.

Why retailers should train their staff to provide first aid for customers

Why retailers should train their staff to provide first aid for customers

Date: Tuesday, 10 May 2016. -  
Blog, First Aid, Courses, Training

In busy convenience stores, it’s all go. Mums are racing around the aisles trying to do a weekly shop in record time, children are in ninja mode stealthily putting sweets into the basket unnoticed, and staff are constantly on the move restocking shelving and directing customers to checkout areas - there’s always a constant flurry of activity.  
Quite often in the hustle and bustle of your store, accidents will occur and unfortunately cannot be avoided no matter how many health and safety policies you have in place. All it takes is an avalanche of apples, a spillage in aisle 12 or a puddle from wet weather conditions to cause an injury.
Serious medical emergencies that you have no control of may also occur which is why it is vital that you have qualified first aiders on duty to deal with a crisis protecting both customers and members of staff.
Purchasing the perfect AED: your guide to unique selling points and key features

Purchasing the perfect AED: your guide to unique selling points and key features

Date: Tuesday, 26 April 2016. -  
Blog, Defibrillators, Courses, Training

Still searching for that perfect workplace defibrillator? Struggling to find the right device for you? No problem! Below, we’ve shared an exclusive guide compiling supportive evidence from an independent study to pinpoint the factors you must consider before selecting a defibrillator for your working environment. 
Sound like a dream come true? We thought so, read on to discover everything you need to know to help you select the perfect defibrillator.
Why do my employees need manual handling training?

Why do my employees need manual handling training?

Date: Friday, 22 April 2016. -  
Blog, Courses, Training

Manual handling training is about teaching your employees how to safely move heavy items either by lifting, carrying, lowering, pushing or pulling them.

It is essential training for all employees who may be faced with heavy lifting. Incorrect manual handling is one of the most common causes of injury at work, accounting for over a third of all workplace injuries.

It is within the best interests of employees and employers to carry out this kind of training to minimise the risk of injuries resulting in absences. According to Health and Safety Executive, 4.1 million working days were lost due to workplace injuries, which averaged 6.7 days per case in 2015.

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