Are You Qualified?

Are You Qualified to Practice Food Safety?

Are You Qualified to Practice Food Safety?

Date: Wednesday, 22 June 2016. -  
Blog, Are You Qualified? , Food

Anyone working in the kitchen and food industry, whether it's a chef of a member of senior management, has a responsibility to follow the correct health and safety regulations.

It is a requirement by law that food business operators ensure their employees receive instruction and training in how to practice safe food handling. Senior members of staff, including head chefs, middle and upper management and food hygiene trainers must have the correct qualifications to be able to train their staff properly.

Without the correct regulations and procedures, you run the risk of sickness, legal action including fines and even losing your job or business.

Our inforgram explains the aspects of the TQUK Food Safety in Catering Course and whether you are qualified, and possess the relevant knowledge and skills to practice food safety.

Take our short quiz below to find out if you need to take the course in order to properly understand food safety and the risks involved.

Are You Qualified to Carry Out Manual Handling?

Are You Qualified to Carry Out Manual Handling?

Date: Tuesday, 21 June 2016. -  
Blog, Are You Qualified? , Manual Handling

According to ROSPA, 4.7 million working days were lost in 2014/15 due to workplace injury with manual handling accounting for a third of all workplace incidents.

All employers are required to reduce the risks of manual handling injuries as much as possible, and this involves taking the appropriate training in order to be able to implement the correct safety measures.

For any job role that involves lifting, lowering, carrying, pushing or pulling heavy and large items, it's essential that you have the adequate training and understanding in order to carry out the task safely.

Our infogram explains the importance of the imperative Level 2 Award in Safe Moving and Handling Course and will help you determine if you have all the relevant knowledge and skills to carry out manual handling correctly.

Take our short quiz below to find out if you will need to take the course in order to understand how to safely carry out manual handling tasks and avoid injury. 

Are You Qualified to Carry Out Fire Safety?

Are You Qualified to Carry Out Fire Safety?

Date: Tuesday, 21 June 2016. -  
Blog, Are You Qualified? , Fire Safety

From April to September 2015, the Department for Communities and Local Government reported that there were 139 fire related fatalities in England which was an increase of 31 from the previous year.

If you are an employer, landlord, owner or occupier then you are legally responsible for fire safety on your premises. Every workplace has a legal requirement to carry out regular fire risk assessments and put appropriate fire safety measures in place to ensure that staff are trained on what action to take in case of a fire.

The average cost of fire in the workplace is nearly £44,000, and of the businesses that have a serious fire it's estimated 80% will never properly recover which indicates how much of a detrimental effect a fire can have.

Our infogram has looked into the aspects of TQUK Level 1 Award in the Principles of Fire Safety Awareness course and whether you, as an employee, landlord or assigned fire marshall, are qualified to carry out fire safety in the workplace.

Take the short quiz below to discover if you need to take the course in order to fully understand fire safety and the risks involved.

Are you Qualified to Perform First Aid in the Workplace?

Are you Qualified to Perform First Aid in the Workplace?

Date: Tuesday, 21 June 2016. -  
Blog, Are You Qualified? , First Aid

The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1982 act requires all employers to have adequate equipment, facilities and personnel in order to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if an injury takes place in the workplace.

The latest statistics from a HSE report recorded a total of 142 deaths in the workplace in the last year and nearly 1.2 million people suffer from a work-related illness each year.

Our infogram highlights aspects of the TQUK Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work course and what the responsibilities of a first aider role involves. 

Take our short quiz below to find out whether you're qualified to perform first aid in the workplace and what you need to know.

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