Sun Safety

Date: Monday, 04 July 2016. -  
Blog, First Aid

After spending weeks eating clean, you finally feel ready to show off your new bikini.  Rubber ring in hand, you take a deep breath and you’re ready to step out of your towel and strut your stuff. Wait - “ow, ow, ow!” the hot tiles beneath you create a searing pain that sends you into a tiptoeing frenzy until you nose dive into the pool – not cool!

It just goes to show how the intense heat of the sun can build up and cause some real damage, imagine the effects of this on your poor skin! 

Sunburn can increase your chances of developing serious health problems such as skin cancer. It’s vital that you take necessary precautions to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

The precautions

There are certain areas that sun cream cannot tackle, for instance applying sun cream in your hair parting seems to be a no-go and then there are the areas that are overlooked such as your toes and ears. Follow these steps to stay sun safe:

  • Apply sun cream 30 minutes before you are due to go outside and then again just as you are about to step out the door.
  • Wear a hat to shield your scalp, nose and the back of your neck
  • Apply extra sun cream to your cheeks when swimming in the pool for long periods of time, the memorizing shimmer of the water’s surface sure packs a punch.
  • After a paddle in the sea, make sure you reapply any sun cream that may have washed off.
  • Use fake tan and stick to the shade.
  • For the inflexible folk, ask a friend of family member to apply sun cream to your back and other hard to reach areas.

How to Treat Sun Burn

Whether you’re on an open top tour bus seeing the sights of the Big Apple or taking a stroll along the beach in sunny Greece, sometimes the rays of the midday sun cannot be avoided.  

Sunburn can put a real dampener on your day, but fear not - there are many ways to soothe the pain and annoying itch:

  • Apply After sun, Aloe Vera or chamomile lotion.
  • Cold flannels on sunburn also work an absolute treat.
  • Keep the affected areas out of the sunshine until the skin has fully healed.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Take painkillers to relieve the pain.

Now that you know all about sun safety, why not expand your knowledge and branch out with a course in first aid? Sign up today to develop all of the skills that you need to protect family and friends. 


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