Spring Cleanin’ – How to tidy up the hazards in your workplace

Spring Cleanin’ – How to tidy up the hazards in your workplace

Jenny Brannan
Posted by Jenny Brannan

Date: Thursday, 06 April 2017. -  
Blog, Training, Health & Safety

With the weather changing for the better, we can officially say goodbye to winter and say hello to spring!

Spring is a time for change and a time to clean out the cobwebs and a start on some much-needed spring cleaning. 

Offices are generally classed as a low-risk working environment, but this doesn’t mean you should neglect your health and safety obligations to your staff! With a spring in our step, we reveal how you can tidy up the hazards in your workplace and give it the safe spring clean it needs.

Housekeeping at Work

Now, when the term ‘housekeeping’ is used, many people think about getting on their hands and knees and using some good ol’ fashion elbow grease, but we’re talking about simply looking after your workplace environment. 

Having an effective housekeeping plan in action can eliminate many hazards that lie around the workplace. Not only can they eliminate the hazards, but they can help you get your daily duties done safely and effectively.

Housekeeping isn’t just cleanliness, it’s keeping your area clean and tidy and orderly. It’s ensuring the walking areas are clear from trip hazards and waste materials, such as cardboard and are free from fire hazards; were you aware even excess dust is a fire hazard?

An effective housekeeping plan at work is an ongoing operation, not just a sporadic clean-up! So, having a clean-up plan in place will help you stay on top of this.

Wire Management

All the wires that connect your computer to the closest socket need room and space to flow freely – this is where it usually comes in as a major trip hazard.

According to the HSE, on average, slips and trips cause 40% of all reported major injuries in the workplace. Wires are a clear hazard that need to be taken care of in order to avoid people tripping over them.

Wire management is surprisingly simple to carry out as it can be done when setting up a computer or even when the unit or peripheral has been set up. Desk grommets are a great way in ensuring that all the wires are going in the same direction and are off the desk, providing the employee with adequate room to work.

If there are many wires in the room that need to be plugged into the same area, cable tying them together or using a wire duct will help to protect them and keep them out of the way of the employees. At the end of the wire trail, a surge protected extension box is sure to keep the electricity under control in the room.

First Aid Training

The Health and Safety Act (1981) requires employers to provide adequate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees receive the required attention immediately if they are injured or have taken ill at work.

By having all of your staff trained in First Aid will create more a community in the workplace as if anyone was injured, major or minor, their colleagues would be able to assist in the correct way with confidence.

As well as First Aid training, ensuring your First Aid kit is stocked up is a major must for any workplace. Having your staff trained is one thing, but having the right equipment is another and without the required resources, you won’t be able to assist. Appointing a First Aid kit watcher is something we highly recommend as your supplies will always be stocked up.

Hazard Free!

Hazards can be avoided but avoiding them before they transpire into risks requires on-going work from everyone at work, not just the select few.

You’ve heard our tips for tidying up the hazards, but now, we think it’s only fair if we can hear yours! What spring cleaning has your office got up to when it comes to clearing out the hazards? Head on over to Twitter and Tweet us @imptraining and share your top tips for hazard management on social media with us. 

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