Remember, Remember, stay safe on the fifth of November

Remember, Remember, stay safe on the fifth of November

Sarah McLoughlin
Posted by Sarah McLoughlin

Date: Thursday, 02 November 2017. -  
Blog, First Aid

Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot. Now that Halloween has passed, the focus has quickly shifted to bonfire night. Every year, on the 5th November, people all over the UK gather around the bonfire to watch the Guy burn. 

Traditionally, bonfire night also consists of an evening filled with toasting marshmallows, sparklers, fireworks and even rides and fairground treats at organised public events.

It is easy to get caught up in the fun of the night and let your guard down. However, there are numerous safety measures that should be considered before you head out for a night of festivities.  

Plot Safely

Guy Fawkes was found to be responsible for the infamous Gunpowder plot of 1605 which thankfully, was a failed attempt.

You can be responsible for plotting the safety of your night, ensuring the welfare of yourself and others is paramount for a successful bonfire night.

Remember to stay warm, be prepared and don your favourite woolly hat, scarf and gloves as it will be cold, especially standing outside during the evening, so don’t forget your coat and any extra layers you think you may need!

You should also remain at a safe distance from the bonfire, fireworks and sparklers to avoid any minor or serious injuries from occurring on the night.

If you suffer with asthma or bronchitis, it may be safer to enjoy the displays from indoors as a combination of the cold air and smoke fumes could potentially trigger an asthma attack.

Ignite the Spark

If you have pets, beware that they may be startled by the sound of fireworks going off, so it is advised that you walk them before it gets too dark and keep them on a lead in case they were to get startled and run off. If possible, ensure your pets are not left alone on bonfire night as they will want comfort and reassurance from an owner if they are scared.

If you are buying fireworks for use at your own event, remember to make sure they are suitable for the size of your garden. It is important that they are marked with British Standard number (BS 7114). Prior to the event, you should make sure you keep fireworks away from children, stored in a secure dry area away from heat sources.

When it comes to sparklers, you should wear gloves and hold a sparkler at arm’s length to avoid getting burnt. Young children should be supervised at all times when it comes to the use of sparklers. A sparkler can reach temperatures five times hotter than cooking oil, so it is important that they are handled correctly.  

Scary Statistics

Fireworks can be exciting as we all love to witness the colourful displays they put on. However, they also come with a great risk. Sadly, a recent survey found that approximately 1,000 people are injured as a result of fireworks or sparklers between October and November. Amongst these injuries, almost half of them are children that got hurt by fireworks or sparklers.

It is essential to supervise your child at all times as the fun festivities of bonfire night do come with risks which can be extremely serious and even fatal. It was found that 479 people required hospital treatment following a firework injury, 121 of which happened at a public display and 475 of which occurred at a family hosted event or private party.

Safety First

Whilst it is important to have fun and enjoy yourself, do not forget the safety measures to be taken into consideration. Organised events are likely to be a safer way to celebrate bonfire night although if you do host your own event, you can still ensure the safety of yourself and your guests by following the above guidelines.

Let us know what your bonfire night plans are by tweeting us @imptraining and joining the conversation. 

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