“In 2017 I will...” imperative Shares their New Year Resolutions!
Date: Thursday, 19 January 2017. -
Blog, First Aid, Health & Safety, Food
Before we know it, Christmas is over, January arrives all too soon and people start pondering their thoughts in order to think about how they can self-improve their lives in the New Year through the form of New Year’s resolutions.
We’re sure you already know this, but a New Year’s resolution is something that someone aspires to implement or do within the next year. Maybe it could be to quit a habit, like smoking, or travel to a certain place. Whatever your New Year’s resolution is, we bet it’s a good one.
Some are not as forward thinking as others and don’t have their resolutions planned. However, you’ll be pleased to know, that the imperative team are early birds and started thinking of and began carrying out their resolutions right from January 1st.
Whether you’re already well into your new positive habits for 2017, or you’re a little behind on picking your Resolutions for the New Year – we’ve shared 3 of the imperative team’s goals for the year in the hope of inspiring you to make yours. This comes alongside some of our top tips to help keep you on the right path and succeed in your aims, so let’s take a look:
At imperative, I’m known as ‘the biscuit kid’. There’s nothing I enjoy more than a good cup of tea and a few chocolate Digestives to dunk in there. Calling at the local shop for my biscuits every morning before work has been part of my routine ever since I started working at imperative, and the rest of the team know who to come to when you’re lacking in the sugar department!
Now that it’s the New Year, I think it’s time I turned over a new leaf and made better choices for my diet and my health. I love my food, but my main New Year’s resolution is to be more mindful about what I’m eating and moderate the amount of fatty and sugary foods – biscuits included – that I eat.
Instead of heading down the biscuits and confectionary aisle whilst I do my weekly shop, I’m going to head down the fruit aisle instead and pick up a few apples, strawberries, pears and melons and make myself a nice fruit salad with the addition of low fat natural yoghurt. I’ll definitely miss the biscuits, one or two here and there won’t go amiss, but I’m determined to eat healthier and improve my overall health.
For 2017, I want to get into peak physical fitness before I turn 25. This is a goal I set myself a while back and so far I’ve stuck to it. I now have one year left before I turn 25, so I really want to turn this goal into a reality.
By looking after my fitness levels, I’ll be positively impacting my health too. I’ve set myself the target of going the gym three times a week and so far, I’ve done exactly that, so this long-standing resolution is definitely on track.
Aside from going the gym and getting fitter and healthier I want to carry something forward from last year. At the start of 2016, I said to myself, ‘chase the things that make you happy and ignore the things you don’t’. I really think this helped me have an amazing 2016.
This year, my First Aid qualification is due for renewal, so I’m eager to get that renewed; knowing I can say, ‘I have life skills’ and ‘I know how to save a life’ gives me a sense of achievement, so this is a must for my 2017.
Last year I was meant to join one of my local gyms, but never actually got round to driving there and signing up.
This year, I’m determined to get myself there and join. I want to get my heart health on the right track so I can still enjoy a few of my favourite indulgences, occasionally, without feeling really guilty.
By doing just 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day, I’m lowering my risk of heart disease significantly as I’ll be burning the fat and working the muscles that are usually just used to sit on the couch whilst I watch a few of my favourite TV shows.
In addition to this, I’m going to be drinking more water opposed to Coca-Cola, as there’s so much sugar in one glass! I didn’t realise just how much until I saw. Water will help me stay hydrated too and do wonders for me whilst working out.
I know these changes won’t be easy as I’m a real creature of habit, but they will help me in the future and help me achieve a healthier and a happier lifestyle.
Ready for 2017
So there you have it. Just three of our team’s New Year’s resolutions which we’re pleased to report have all been put into place. The changes aren’t easy, but they’re for the better and will benefit them all in the future.
Have you already set out and implemented your New Year’s resolution for 2017? If so, what is it? Let us know in the comment section below, or get involved with the conversation and drop us a line on Twitter @imptraining.