Imperative Training’s Guide to First Aid in Schools Part 2 - First Aid Training for Students

Mike Dennis
Posted by Mike Dennis

Date: Monday, 05 September 2016. -  
Blog, First Aid, Paediatric

So you’ve read all about why we think school teachers should be First Aid trained, but what about school children themselves? Should First Aid be on the school curriculum? 

Let’s look at some statistics.

In a survey conducted by British Red Cross, more than 90% of secondary school students showed an interest in becoming first aid trained. Through this they said they felt it would help with their confidence should they need to help a friend or family member

In the UK, there are over 30,000 cardiac arrests out of hospital per year, but less than 1 in 10 victims of SCA survive. This is considerably lower than countries where First Aid is taught in schools, such as Norway, where the survival rate is 25%; or Holland where the survival rate is 21%.

In fact, the UK is one of the very few European countries where First Aid is not a part of gaining a driving qualification to obtain a licence, which means only 7% of the UK population have the skills necessary to carry out life-saving First Aid in an emergency.

Information is absorbed much easier when taught from a young age - so by raising awareness early, children will understand the importance of First Aid, have a greater value for life, and are more likely to continue to refresh their skills as the years go by.

There are around 8.4 million pupils enrolled in UK schools - making up 10% of the overall population, so if we start educating them now, within a matter of years the majority of our country will have the life-saving skills needed to increase the chances of surviving cardiac arrest.

So what’s your opinion on Paediatric First Aid training for schools? Should this be included in the school curriculum? Join in the conversation with us on Twitter @ImpTraining.

If you’re looking for more info on first aid, our handy First Aid app allows you to take our tips with you on the go – without the need for wifi/data/signal. Plus, soon you’ll be able to download our Paediatric First Aid app – meaning you’ll have more specific tips to meet your needs!

In the meantime, check out our First Aid Tips page and infograms.

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