imperative training's Guide to Road Safety

Jenny Brannan
Posted by Jenny Brannan

Date: Tuesday, 22 November 2016. -  
Blog, First Aid, Health & Safety

This week is #RoadSafetyWeek! This is the UK’s biggest road safety event, annually co-ordinated by Brake.

Since 1997 #RoadSafetyWeek aims to raise awareness about road safety and endorse steps that everyone can take to stop the deaths and injuries that occur on the roads, year-round.


Road Safety Stats Copy

 The majority of people’s journey in the UK is made by road, the majority of these travellers using cars and vans.

Were you aware?

  • Despite the increase in road traffic, road casualties have decreased.
  • Fatality rate per billion vehicle miles (bvm) has decreased significantly and annually since the highest rate of 165 deaths per bvm in 1949 to the lowest level of 5.6 deaths per bvm in 2013.
  • If you were to be hit at 40mph, the risk of death is 4 times more likely than if you were to be hit at 30mph.
  • On motorways you see many people whizzing past you, but the national speed limit on these roads is 70mph. These speed limits have been implemented for a reason. Remember them!
  • 59% of all fatalities occur on country roads
  • Helmets reduce fatal and serious head injuries by 45%
  • Correctly used seat-belts can reduce the risk of death in a crash by 61%
  • Each year nearly 400,00 people under 25 die on the road – this is more than 1,000 a day!
  • 140,000 of lives could be saved through effective first aid

Admittedly, it’s hard to comprehend that there are still so many road accidents every year despite all the precautions in place on A and B roads and motorways.

Before you set off on a journey, make sure you’re awake and well hydrated. Staying focused when on the road will assist you in being as safe as possible and more alert to danger. If you feel tired, stop for a break, no more than 3 hours at a time, so if multiple drivers are in the car, taking 3 hour shifts of driving will better your chances of safety.

At imperative, we will always promote safety whether it is in work, schools or in this case, on the road. So with #RoadSafetyWeek in mind, we’ve put together an easy to read and rather fitting infographic to display our top tips for all road users out there. If you stick to these, you won’t go far wrong when on the road. 

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