Fire Safety: Seven Fire Safety Tips that could Save Your Life

Fire Safety: Seven Fire Safety Tips that could Save Your Life

Jenny Brannan
Posted by Jenny Brannan

Date: Friday, 04 August 2017. -  
Blog, Fire Safety

Fires can happen at any time and in many instances, can be fatal. 

In every home, there is the potential for a fire catching, due to various, everyday activities and objects that are found around the home. 

However, certain precautionsc an decrease the risks for a fire in the home. We explore seven fire safety tips that could save your life. 

Blow the Candles Out

They may provide our homes with fragrences that you'd have to travel to find, but according to the Manchester Evening News, candles are one of the firve most common ways a fire starts. 

A simple knock of a candle, even if it's in a holder can start a fire that could devastate a family home. 

There's always something going on in a family home and it's easy to forget about little things such as candles and people can easily dismiss them, but it's important that you blow it out before you go to bed and always ensure an adult is in the room where it's lit. 

It's also advised that you place the candle - should you want one - on a flame-resistant surface to prevent any chance of a fire spreading rapidly. 

Remember to Unplug

Electrics are another major cause of fires, wall adapters being the prime culprit behind the fires.

Nowadays, it’s common to require more sockets for the multiple electronics that appear in households.

Cube adapters which provide multiple sockets for electrical goods are sometimes produced without a fuse meaning there could be a risk of overloading the socket or even tipping out of it completely.

Rather than using a cube adapter, use a strip adaptor. This alternative trips when overloaded, protecting the users and their family from a fire.

So, if you’re one of the many people who have your Sky box, your TV, your DVD player and PlayStation all plugged into a cube adapter, behind your TV, swap it for a strip adapter – you’ll be protecting yourself, your family and your electronics!

Kitchen Check

As expected, cooking is another major cause of fires across the UK.

After whipping up a scrumptious dinner for your family, it’s important that you turn off all the appliances you used and you keep your cooker and grill pan free of any oil. Oil can be set alight in a matter of seconds, so keeping these two kitchen essentials free of the substance is a step forward in avoiding a cooking fire.

Also, chip pans, it’s now being advised that you swap this kitchen appliance for an air fryer as these have less risk of fires.

Stay in Whilst Washing Up

Surprisingly, washing machines have proven to be a problem when it comes to fires.

This problem has arisen thanks to the high voltage they use which is combined with the movement inside the appliance. When you add these two aspects together, it’s easy to see the risk of a fire breaking out.

Due to the risk, it’s advised that you shouldn’t put the washing on when you’re napping, going to sleep for the night or going out. It’s also advised that you should close the door to the room with the washing machine in; by doing this, if a fire were to break out, it would be contained.

Check Your Smoke Alarms

Many people are unaware, but you should check your smoke alarm at least once a week.

Nowadays, due to technological advancements, it isn’t just about checking to see if it works or whether the batteries need replacing.

These smoke alarms now are considered as ‘old’, and the more up-to-date ones are fitted with a sensor, so every time you make a piece of toast, it doesn’t’ go off as the old ones used to.

If you don’t have one, go and get one and ensure you have a carbon monoxide alarm that’s in date!

Put out the Cig

Smoking causes hundreds of house fires every year. If you or someone in your home smokes, it’s important to take the relevant precautions to protect everyone in the household.

When you’re finished, always remember to properly put out your cigarette. Tobacco is designed to continually burn, so even when you’re finished with the cigarette and you think you’ve extinguished the cigarette, the tobacco may still be smouldering.

It’s important to keep lighters out of the reach of children, an extra precaution that could be taken here is to get a child-proof lighter that children won’t be able to operate.

You should use a heavy ashtray that won’t tip over easily and nothing else for the ash. When clearing the waste ensure that you dispose of it properly and that you don’t tip the ash into a paper waste basket or bin and that it doesn’t build up.

If you’re tired and in bed, you shouldn’t smoke. If you fall asleep with the cigarette in your hand, it could easily be dropped in your sleep, putting everyone at risk in the house.

Evacuation Plan

In wake of the tragic Grenfell Tower fire in London, one main element of the fire service’s latest work is ensuring that people who live in tower blocks understand what to do in the event of a fire catching.

Blocks around Greater Manchester are currently changing their advice from the usual ‘stay put’ to evacuate while checks are carried out to make sure a fire wouldn’t spread if one were to happen.

Fire Safety Knowledge

Understanding what to do at home and at work in the event of a fire can mean the difference between life and death.

Having someone trained in Fire Safety at work is vital for all businesses, but this knowledge can also be used – to a certain degree – at home too.

Does your workplace have someone trained in fire safety? More than one person being trained will only benefit the company even more. Take a look at our fire courses online and call 0845 071 0820 to get in touch and book your course. 

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