Are you beach safety ready?

Date: Monday, 11 July 2016. -  
Blog, First Aid

At the first sign of sunshine, a large quantity of the population will be prodding their bellies questioning “when will I be beach body ready?” when the question on everyone’s lips should be “am I beach safety ready?”
In the same way that you would divide your clothes between two suitcases to make sure that if one goes missing you won’t have to bare all, it’s wise to prepare for medical emergencies so that nothing gets in the way of your fun and relaxation.
 Broadening your knowledge of injuries that are more likely to occur whilst you’re frolicking on the beach or taking a leisurely stroll, will allow you to treat them correctly making sure that the injury is less likely to become susceptible to infection, ensuring a speedy recovery. 

Shore Side Safety


Marine Life

Now we have all heard that rumour that urine helps jellyfish stings but we are very mistaken. If you receive a sting from a marine animal such as a sea urchin, jellyfish or the dreaded weever fish the best thing to do is soak the injured area in hot water for 30-90 minutes. Now don’t go burning yourself, make sure that you will be able to tolerate the temperature of the water before immersing the injury.
If you cross paths with any prickly sea creatures, remove spines embedded into wounds using sterile gloves and a pair of tweezers.
Some people may experience a severe allergic reaction to bites and stings, be sure to monitor them closely and if you notice any symptoms such as swollen eyes, lips, hands and feet or itchy raised skin seek medical attention immediately. 
Rocky Terrain
When you’re battling the waves it’s easy to lose your footing, which may result in a nasty scrape on coral or jagged rocks on the sea bed. It doesn’t hurt to be prepared! Pack a first aid kit in your beach back with bandages, waterproof plasters and antiseptic wipes/ cream.
Strong Currents
Steer clear of currents; these areas of fast-moving water could easily sweep you out to sea. 
Many people are aware of the dangers of drowning but have you heard of secondary and dry drowning? It’s a common misconception that the casualty will be out of the woods once they have been successfully resuscitated but this is not always the case. 
Secondary drowning or dry drowning is when you have inhaled water into your lungs that can cause them to spasm or swell blocking the airway. If someone has experienced near drowning or you suspect that they have inhaled a large amount of water you must take them for a medical examination straight away. The signs of secondary drowning may not appear for up to 24 hours later, by which point it may be too late.
Coughing, sleepiness, and vomiting are all signs of secondary drowning recognise the signs and prevent the worst possible outcome. 
jelly fish

The Great Outdoors

Although hiking in the picturesque valleys of Snowdonia may seem like a spectacular idea, there are many obstacles that may trip you up along the way. Turn a corner and you could find yourself in an environment resembling Jurassic Park and without a machete to chop down rogue shrubbery, you may find yourself scrambling to escape the thick of it. 
Nettle Stings
Nettle stings are a prime example of something that could spoil your day, but you shouldn’t let it spoil your fun. If this prickly specimen takes a nip out of your ankle there’s no need to curl up in a ball on the floor writhing in pain, we have the cure! First things first, you should clean the area to remove the nettle hairs and to stop the rash from getting any worse. If you’re top explorer you will have baking soda in your backpack ready for such occasions so that you can make a paste to treat the injury using a little water, or perhaps the alternative of a little chamomile lotion or aloe vera would be an easier way to provide instant pain relief.
Mosquito Bites
Without mosquito repellent, you may as well have a neon sign attached to your back saying grubs up and mosquito bites sure are irritating. Carry bite relief cream with you and use a cold compress to reduce swelling and relieve the annoying itch. 
So there you have it! Never mind that suitcase full to the brim with clothes, now you have heaps of knowledge to take away with you so that you can feel rest assured that you can tackle any holiday blunders that may attempt to burst your bubble.
 For more helpful first aid tips download our free app. All you have to do is search for imperative training in your app store to gain access to first aid tutorials from the comfort of your sun lounger. But what about if I don’t have access to Wi-Fi, you ask? We’ve got your back because our app can be accessed offline and in the remotest of locations. 
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