5 reasons why you should learn first aid

Date: Thursday, 21 January 2016. -  
Blog, First Aid, Courses, Training

Have your New Year’s Resolutions gone out of the window already? Perhaps it would be easier to put your diet on hold, at least until after Pancake Day... or Easter. Plus there’s really no point in starting up that strict exercise regime until the weather gets a little warmer – icicles on your running trainers? Ain’t nobody got time for that. 

But on the road to self-improvement it’s good to start as you mean to go on, so rather than putting off your goals until the spring, why not start off by learning a new set of skills with the potential to save lives? 

A first aid course only takes a matter of hours to complete but supplies you with all of the knowledge you require to tackle an emergency. But that’s not all; there are many benefits to gaining an awareness of crucial first aid practices:

1. The pride you will feel if you help someone on the road to recovery

Just imagine for a second that somebody was in a life-threatening condition and your quick actions saved their life. What an indescribable feeling to wake up to, remembering that you have prolonged someone’s life allowing them to spend many more happy years with their loved ones.

2. It looks fantastic on your CV

Having ‘qualified first-aider’ on your CV instantly shows potential employers that you are dedicated, caring and willing to help others in need -fantastic qualities to possess. 

It’s a dog eat dog world out there, but being a qualified first aider could be that one factor that sets you apart from the rest, securing the job of your dreams.

3. Having the ability to help family and friends in need

When a member of your family or a friend injures themselves, there’s nothing worse than feeling helpless. In your first aid training, you will gain an awareness of how to treat a range of medical conditions and injuries. This means that when someone’s in need you will know exactly what to do. Instinctively knowing important first aid practices such as leaving embedded objects in wounds to plug the bleeding or rinsing burns under a cold tap will increase the casualty’s chances of making a swift recovery.

4. Earning the respect of your fellow colleagues

Stepping in to help your colleagues will have a greater impact than you might expect. They will most certainly be grateful for all of your help, but providing the correct treatment at an early stage will increase the casualty’s chances of making a speedy recovery. This will reduce the number of days they are absent ensuring that they still have a hearty pay cheque at the end of the month.

5.  Gaining new responsibilities

Your role as a first-aider is crucial especially in high risk working environments where employees are operating heavy machinery or working at a great height. You will be the go-to person in times of need and your skills will be highly valued to prevent potential accidents.


So there you have it 5 reasons why you should learn first aid. If you’re interested in signing up for an in-house first aid course with imperative training or would like to know more, our customer service team are happy to discuss our training services with you. Contact us today on 0845 071 0820

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