First aid emergency: How to treat Sprains & Strains

Mike Dennis
Posted by Mike Dennis

Date: Thursday, 04 August 2016. -  
Blog, First Aid, First Aid Emergencies

How to treat with Sprains & Strains

Sprains and strains are very common injuries that affect the body's muscles and ligaments.

When an excessive force is applied to your joints, the ligaments surrounding your joint may be damaged or torn. This results in a sprain.

Knees, ankles, wrists, and thumbs are common locations for sprains. Symptoms of which can include: pain around the affected joint, inability to use the joint normally or put weight on it, plus swelling, bruising, and tenderness.

Strains happen when you overexert yourself, or use improper lifting techniques that cause tears in the muscle, and are particularly common in the legs and back. Symptoms include: muscle spasms, weakness, and loss of some (or all) of the function in affected muscle, plus pain in the muscle when rested or in use.

The best way to treat these injuries is by using the R.I.C.E method. This stands for Raise, Ice, Compress, and Elevate.

The infogram below has all the information you’ll need to treat sprains & strains. Follow the clear, easy steps to help you feel confident enough to handle the situation effectively.

Whether you have first aid training or not, it's always useful to know how to act when a medical emergency occurs so you can be confident the casualty is being looked after - even if it's whilst waiting for an ambulance to arrive. First aid tips and advice can be a great way to ensure you know how to act should a medical emergency even occur.

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