Download our life-saving First Aid App today

Our brand new First Aid app is now available FREE to download on Apple and Android.



Always learning 

One of the biggest problems we face as a training provider of first aid is ensuring our learners continue to practice and refresh their skills during the three years before they are required to take their training again.

With us, your first aiders will always continue to learn;

  • interacting with us on social media
  • reading our informative refresher blog posts receiving our monthly first aid tip emails

At the touch of a button

 We also give a glossy A5 First Aid manual to every learner that attends our training; however we know this isn't practical to carry around in your pocket every day! This is why we've developed our FREE app, available to download on Android and Apple that covers every section of our manual, and can be accessed at the click of a finger.

Who can use the app?

Broken down into sections with recognition and treatment, this app can be used by first aiders to refresh their skills, by parents looking to hone up on their skills and by anyone else who has an interest in learning first aid. There are also some very cool features including a 999 button to call the emergency services and a helpful guide to CPR - you can also stock your essential first aid supplies!


How to download

Just search 'imperative training' in your App or Google Play Store and press to download; you'll feel a little bit more prepared with our life-saving first aid app in your pocket. 

Tweet or share with us your experiences of the app and first by finding us @imptraining or /ImperativeTraining. 

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